Can Mindset Coaching Really Help You Quit Smoking?
The nature of nicotine addiction is to confuse our minds into thinking we need to smoke in order to be comfortable. How has it convinced us of that? After all, nothing bad will happen to us if we don't smoke.
The main reason a smoker has a cigarette, is to end the unpleasant craving and feeling of restlessness that comes from a period without smoking. As soon as the cigarette is smoked, that uncomfortable feeling disappears and they feel better. The brain perceives this feeling of relief as pleasure but in reality, it is just the easing of an unpleasant feeling.
"Our subconscious mind has developed an association between smoking a cigarette and the feeling of pleasure"
We are persuaded that it's the cigarette itself that feels good, and therefore stopping smoking will cause discomfort, since we will be missing out on the pleasure that it provides. Our natural instinct is to avoid discomfort and suffering. So it's easy to see why beating this (or any other) addiction can be so difficult. It forces us towards apparent discomfort, by depriving us of the pleasure that we feel like we need.
Of course, not smoking cigarettes doesn't cause suffering and discomfort. If it did, all non-smokers would be permanently miserable! We also know that the physical symptoms associated with withdrawal are relatively mild and subside within a few weeks. But for people addicted to nicotine, the psychological or mental need to smoke is very real. When they do want to quit, these powerful associations between smoking and pleasure are among the many obstacles that need to be overcome.
"It is true that smoking has seemed enjoyable and comforting. Quitting can feel like the end of an era...."
....or like the breakup of a relationship with happy memories. But we don't need these memories and emotions in order to feel happy. It's only the addiction that makes us feel like that; which is why this control over us is so damaging! There are no tangible benefits to smoking and this "happy relationship", if allowed to continue, has a very good chance of causing serious health problems or a fate even worse. Not to mention stealing our money, making us smell smoky and sending us to stand outside every hour. So we have every reason to run towards the life changing benefits and freedom that we'll gain when we stop smoking!
Where Does Mindset Coaching Come In?

We know that the way we think and what we believe, can have a dramatic effect on our actions and achievements. Effective coaching can promote self-awareness and self-reflection, stretch us beyond our existing way of thinking and allow us to see things from a different perspective. Our mindsets can be explored, understood and changed in order to bring us different results. Mindset coaching can help us revise existing beliefs, behaviours and patterns.
We can literally re-programme our thoughts and irrationalise the reasons and beliefs that have kept us smoking. We can enhance our motivation for wanting to quit and readjust our view of quitting from a difficult challenge that will involve suffering, to an amazing life transformation, full of benefits that will boost our health, confidence and freedom! By placing our focus in the right areas, we can really develop a brand new mindset with an increased determination to succeed. Doesn't that sound better than simply quitting, with no regard for our thoughts and feelings, relying only on willpower to get us through the challenges?
"Coaching however, is not a magic formula. A real commitment is also required"
Even with the best support and coaching, a recognition that you are addicted to nicotine and a strong determination to change this is necessary. Rather than ask if a particular coaching programme is effective and will bring you success, the question should be, whether you are ready and willing to make the commitment and put in the effort required. If the answer is yes, then coaching will transform your experience and dramatically increase your chances of success.
Studies have shown that people who use a support programme to help them quit, have a much higher chance of success in the short term and staying smoke free in the long term, compared to those who try to do it alone. Coaching will give you accountability and help you take responsibility for your outcomes. You will receive unbiased feedback, encouragement and support as well as extra resources, information and guidance.
Choosing to sign-up for a coaching programme is an important and pivotal step. Simply by making that decision, you are confirming to yourself that you are committed to quitting and prepared to make an investment in order to achieve this, which is psychologically very beneficial. Even before your first coaching session begins, you will already have a significant advantage compared to before you made that commitment! Long term success can't be achieved overnight, but confident action to begin the process definitely can!
"The start of your journey towards freedom from smoking, is really just a decision away"

You can decide today that you're ready to embark on a new way of thinking, destroy your nicotine addiction and take on a new, healthier, more confident life. Coaching will provide extra support and motivation, accountability and encouragement and dramatically increase your chances of success. But the desire and determination to succeed can only come from you. As you think about making this commitment, here are a couple of my favorite quotes.
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse"
Jim Rohn
"The only things holding you back from change, are the voices and opinions of your past self"
Gavin Dashwood
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