ICF Membership
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The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organisation for coaches and coaching.
It is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.
As an ICF member, I am required to abide by their Core Values and Code of Ethics.
ICF Core Values Overview
ICF members are committed to upholding the organisation’s mission of making coaching an integral part of a thriving society, as all of us together seek to lead the global advancement of the coaching profession and empower the world through coaching.
We commit to a coaching mindset and professional quality that encompasses responsibility, respect, integrity, competence and excellence
We commit to developing social connections and community building
We commit to being humane, kind, compassionate and respectful toward others
We commit to use a coaching mindset to explore and understand the needs of others so we can practice equitable processes at all times that create equality for all
ICF Code of Ethics Overview
To elicit the best in every ICF coach, ICF members and coaches are committed to:
Ethical behaviour as the foundation of the coaching profession
Continued learning in the field of coaching as required
Search for continued self-awareness, self-monitoring and self-improvement
Acting and being an ethical individual in all professional interactions
Full accountability for the responsibility undertaken as an ICF Member and coach
Complete engagement with and commitment to the coaching profession, setting an example both to the profession overall and to the community
Uphold the highest standards in a manner that reflects positively on the coaching profession
Be fully present in every interaction in which we engage
Recognize and abide by the applicable laws and regulations of each country, municipality and local governing body
Provide a safe space for trainers, service providers, coaches and coaches-in-training to learn, excel ethically and strive to become professional coaches of the highest calibre
Embrace diversity and inclusion, and value the richness of our global stakeholders
For more information about the International Coaching Federation (ICF), please visit their website: