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Quit Smoking Freedom

quit smoking

and live your best life

"Quit Smoking Mindset Coach"

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Quitting smoking...

...requires the right mindset. The reasons you may not be there yet, are as unique as you are. It could be that you're holding on to stories or beliefs from your past that create a mental block. Maybe your desire, motivation or confidence need boosting.
The key to changing your mindset is understanding the reasons behind your struggle. That's why relying on willpower alone, often doesn't work. It forces you to give up something that feels pleasurable, while ignoring the reasons you smoke in the first place.

My Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme..... different and unique and it recognises that you are, too.
It involves a process of self-reflection that will help you understand your thoughts, beliefs and relationship with smoking. It will enable you to see things from a different perspective, identifying your obstacles and the solutions to overcoming them.

The benefits.....

The path to freedom is specific to you,
But the benefits you'll enjoy when you get there are universal!
Regardless of your situation or reasons for quitting, you have all of this to look forward to...


Saving $3,000 - $4,000 Every Year*, Better Health, More Confidence, Fresher Breath, Increased Life Expectancy, Clearer Skin, Improved Sense of Smell, More Energy, Whiter Teeth, Better Tasting Food, Increased Happiness, Freedom from Addiction and Much, Much More! â€‹  (*average smoker)


My Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme will help you see quitting not as something to fear and struggle with, but as a fantastic and wonderful improvement to your life and as the means to freedom and all of these benefits!


Questions About My Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme?

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Nicotine Addiction...

...has two aspects to it; physical and psychological. These two aspects combine to form the addiction. The physical aspect helps to keep us hooked and can cause some mild symptoms when we do stop. 

But for most people, it is the psychological dependency, which is an emotional or mental need to smoke, that causes most of the strong cravings and real difficulties in quitting for good. 

This psychological dependency is controlled by our thoughts and beliefs (or our mindset). Understanding this mindset, and the reasons why we continue to smoke, is the key to successfully quitting long term.

Coaching... not counselling, therapy or mentoring.

It is a process aimed at promoting self-awareness and self-reflection. It can stretch you beyond your normal way of thinking and enable you to step back and see things from a different perspective. 

It doesn’t focus on the past, but on working towards goals and transitioning from the present to your ideal future. 

Coaching Promotes Self-Reflection

A core belief in coaching, is that we all have the means and ability to achieve our desired outcomes. That’s why coaches typically avoid giving specific information or advice. Instead, they focus on asking questions that direct us to identifying our own obstacles and finding the solutions. 

My Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme
Gavin Dashwood, Quit Smoking Mindset Coach

As a specialist quit smoking coach, I took these principles, my accredited coach training and my personal experience of quitting smoking after 25 years to create my signature, six step Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme.

The programme is a series of one-on-one coaching sessions conducted via zoom. It will give you accountability, support and motivation and help you develop the mindset needed to quit smoking for good.
The programme is flexible because we're all different; the same approach is not appropriate for everyone.

One feature is a set of purpose designed exercises that will help you envision your future as a non-smoker, see nicotine addiction from a new perspective and build a determination to achieve long term success. Which exercises we use, depends on what's relevant to you and your unique situation.

The Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme

Free Zoom Call & Trial Coaching Session

Why book a free, no obligation zoom call with me?


  • Get a free "taster" coaching session

  • Gain some insights about your relationship with smoking

  • Ask me any questions about my Quitting Mindset Coaching Programme

And Find Out If My Coaching Programme Is Right For You! 

After that accident, I did some self-reflecting and made a lot of changes. But the biggest step I ever took to positively impact my health and lifestyle was to adjust my mindset and quit smoking.

Gavin Dashwood

Gavin Dashwood, Quit Smoking Mindset Coach

"The nice thing about being coached by Gavin, is that he quit himself after many years of smoking;
so he really understood me
and knew what I was going through."

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